Vilma Havas has been working on an industrial PhD at SALT since January 2019, with focus on Circular Plastic Economy. She has several years of experience within analysis of material management in the fishing industry, experience which she will contribute with in this project. She has gained fisheries related hands-on expertise through working in the Fishing for Litter project, and especially through implementation of the sample analyses in the project.
Vilma has a MSc within environmental, resource and development economics from the Oslo University and a BBA from Griffith University, Australia. In her PhD she investigates the sustainable end-of-life (EOL) alternatives for waste fishing gear and abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear. Havas has several years’ experience from NGO management and consultancy within marine issues, specifically plastic marine litter. She has experienced the negative impacts caused by mismanaged plastics, from the fjords in Norway to the rivers in Indonesia.