Deep-water coral reef exhibition
SALT is developing a deep-water coral reef exhibition at the Lofoten Aquarium, the first exhibition of its kind.
25% of all known deep-water coral reefs in the the world are found off the Norwegian coast. The largest of them all, Røstrevet, is more than 30 km wide, 30 meters tall, and almost 10.000 years old. This reef is located just outside Lofoten, 300 meters below the ocean surface. All coral reefs play a significant role in the marine ecosystems in the ocean, yet still, their existence is not well known, especially compared to their tropical siblings. That is, until now. Together with Museum Nord and the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research we are creating an exhibition that will give the audience a unique sense of connection to the deep-water corals. The exhibition will also aim to raise awareness of the threats posed by climate change and ocean acidification, and highlight potential solutions with emphasis both on their importance in the marine ecosystem as well as their intrinsic value.
The project is funded by The Research Council of Norway and Nordland County (Miljømillionen)
Photo by Erling Svensen

Norwegian Institute of Marine Research
The Research Council of Norway
The Savings Bank Foundation DNB
Nordland Fylkeskommune